Time travel and sea lions

I climbed into a metalbird in London, was hurled across the Atlantic at 900 km/h for eleven hours and emerged in San Diego three hours after I left, according to the clock (time travel is real people!).

I made my way to the AirBnb that I and four other students from Lund University are sharing for the first couple of days while searching for a more permanent accommodation. The housing market for students in San Diego has been described as more or less nightmarish, but my fellow Lundanians had found a place and I’ve signed up to join them in a house in La Jolla Village. Thus within 2 hours of arriving in San Diego, still very jet-lagged and without having to do anything (or having seen the house…), I escaped all the nightmares and now have a new place to stay. Just like that.

The past couple of days have been spent trying to get through all the seemingly small things that are needed for life here to work smoothly. Getting a SIM card, bank account, buss pass, the right apps, transfer money, different accounts, emails etc – it takes way more time than you think it would. 

But we’ve also had some time to explore the surroundings and we’ve seen seals, pelicans and sea lions. The sea lions were my favourite. They smell terrible, and scream like fog-horns, but they look so hilarious on land and the cubs are sure to make you go ”aawww” when they try to waddle-hop their way across the beach.
So. Cute.

Now it is soon time for a break from all the logistical muddle and head to the beach for lunch – I’m not complaining…

  • Hanna

    Så gött att du funnit ett ställe så snabbt och i la jolla village! Antar att det blir någon form av visuell round tour av huset i framtiden. Väntar med spänning. //H

    1. admin

      Sure thing my friend! 😀

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