I have an above-average amount of saltwater running through my veins, I was even baptized in it.
Growing up sailing, diving, surfing, and swimming, I’ve spent much of my time in, on and around the ocean and will forever be fascinated by the blue part of our blue planet. In the fall of 2020, I started graduate school at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. I am co-advised by Dr Luca Centurioni and Professor Jen MacKinnon.
Below you’ll find the key points of my academic interests, merits and field experience.
Academic interests
- Ocean-atmosphere interactions, winds, waves, currents
- Instabilities and turbulence
- Sensor development
- Remote sensing of the ocean
Academic merits
- M.Sc by coursework in Physical Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (2021)
- B.Sc in Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, Sweden (2020)
- B.Sc in Industrial Design Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology (2017)
Relevant work and field experience
- Drifter lead for the NORSE (Northern Ocean Rapid Surface Evolution) field campaigns in 2021, 2022, and 2023 in the North Atlantic. A total of 12 weeks at sea collecting oceanographic data with surface drifters, underway CTD/turbulence instruments, bow-chains, deep CTD casts, and various acoustic sensors.
- SUNRISE (Submesoscales Under Near-Resonant Inertial Shear Experiment) June/July 2022 campaign aboard R/V Pt Sur in the Gulf of Mexico. Underway VMP, CTD, and drifters. This cruise included a student-led component.
- Intern in the Multiscale Ocean Dynamics lab at SIO (2018/2019).
Assisted in the development and production of oceanographic sensors, in particular for microstructure measurements (Epsilometer), and profiling platforms (The Wirewalker). - One week aboard the R/V Sikuliaq assisting Professor Send (SIO) with recovery and deployment of moorings, CTD casts and instrument maintenance in the area around the Channel Islands of California (2019).
- One day cruise aboard R/V Robert Gordon Sproul to deploy and record data with an open-source self-built CTD as a part of a class at SIO (2019).
- Three months of work as a marine research diver with Global Vision International in the Yasawa Islands of Fiji (2012).
- One week aboard the Lovis cruising around the Bay of Greifswald (Germany) investigating fish stock and benthic fauna (2010).